Using BLOCKQUOTE and cite html tags | CodingSource

Using BLOCKQUOTE and cite html tags

We use citation tags (<blockquote> and <cite>) to cite other sites, authors, and publications. The W3C recommends using the <blockquote> element. This coding will give us privilege and will offer us the advantages of using a single tag.

Simple to Use

<blockquote>We write the quoted text here..</blockquote>

Using blockquote and cite together

<blockquote cite="">

HTML cannot be defined as a programming language. Because a program that works on its own cannot be written with HTML codes. Only programs that can run through programs that can interpret this language can be written. This is exactly why it cannot be called a programming language.

<cite>Erick Truth</cite>


The <blockquote> tag defines a section quoted from another source. Browsers usually indent this section. All popular browsers support the blockquote tag. Even if we don't define any style, <blockquote> will start more inside than normal content. This is a small detail, but enough to separate it from the content.

We'll talk about the <cite> tag before you show the use of citations here. This is not an outdated label. This is a feature that we will use to indicate the sites from which we receive code excerpts. Many browsers won't even notice it when you add this code. However, we can use this code with both CSS and scripts, for example, we can use it while indexing. This information can be used to give us future information about the citation.

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