Caption Tag Usage Html Tutorials | CodingSource

Caption Tag Usage Html Tutorials

The HTML <CAPTION> tag is used only once in the TABLE tag to provide a short caption description for the created table. For a broader explanation, the summary property should be used.

The <caption> tag defines a table caption. The <caption> tag must be defined right after the <table> tag. Only one title can be defined in each table. By default, the table header will be centered on the table. It can be formatted with CSS text-align and caption-side properties.

<table border="1">

<caption>Course Content</caption>






<td>HTML Tutorials</td>

<td>120 Hours</td>



CAPTION Elements

  • id= Specifies the unique ID.
  • class= Specifies the class name.
  • style= CSS defines rules.
  • title= Specifies short information.
  • lang= Specifies the language of the text it contains.
  • dir= Specifies the direction of the text it contains.
  • align= Specifies the header placement by taking the following values.
    • top : Shown centered above the table.
    • bottom : It is displayed centered at the bottom of the table.
    • left : Shows left aligned at the top of the table.
    • right : Displays right-justified above the table.

HTML & JavaScript Events CAPTION

  • onclick= Triggered when the element is clicked with the keyboard or mouse.
  • ondblclick= Triggered when the element is double-clicked with the mouse.
  • onmousedown= Triggered when mouse button is pressed on element.
  • onmouseup= Triggered when the pressed mouse button is released.
  • onmouseover= Triggered when entering the area occupied by the element.
  • onmousemove= Triggered when the mouse pointer is moved over the element.
  • onmouseout= Triggered when the element's footprint is exited.
  • onkeypress= Triggered when a key is pressed on the keyboard while on the element.
  • onkeydown= Triggered the first time a key is pressed on the keyboard while on the element.
  • onkeyup= Triggered when the pressed keyboard key is released.

The following example demonstrates the use of four different values of the align attribute of the HTML CAPTION tag.

<table border="1" width="200">

     <caption align="top">Title</caption>




<table border="1" width="200">

     <caption align="left">Title</caption>




<table border="1" width="200">

     <caption align="right">Title</caption>




<table border="1" width="200">

     <caption align="bottom">Title</caption>



The html caption tag is used to specify the title of a table. For example, you may want to show the students of class 8/A in a table. You may need to name the title of this table as 8/A class. At these points, the caption tag comes to our aid. Or you can use it to name the category of a specific product statement or to specify the name of a financial statement.

<!DOCTYPE html>




table, th, td {

   border: 1px solid black;






   <caption>8/A Students</caption>
















The <caption> tag defines a table caption.

<caption> should be used right after the <table> tag.

Tip: By default, a table header is center aligned above a table. However, the text alignment and CSS properties can be used to align and place the caption text.


   <caption style="text-align:right">My savings</caption>












   <caption style="caption-side:bottom">My savings</caption>










Default CSS Settings

Most browsers display the <caption> element with the following default values:


table,th,td {

   border:1px solid black;


caption {

   display: table-caption;

   text-align: center;



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